Coral Banded Shrimp Pair
Coral banded shrimp are a popular and visually striking species of marine shrimp that are commonly kept in marine aquariums. These shrimp have a distinct bright red and white coloration, with long, slender claws that are used for catching prey and defending themselves from predators. They are typically peaceful towards other inhabitants of the aquarium, but they can be aggressive towards other Coral Banded Shrimp and should be housed individually or kept as a true mated pair. Coral banded shrimp are relatively hardy and adaptable, making them a good choice for beginner or experienced aquarists looking to add an eye-catching and active invertebrate to their tank. Like other invertebrates, the Coral Banded Shrimp is intolerant of high nitrate or copper levels. Be sure to maintain proper iodine levels in the aquarium to help ensure proper molting. The Banded Coral Shrimp must be acclimated slowly to avoid any salinity and/or pH shock.
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